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Pwnnet Team Application Form

Instructions: Please complete the following form to apply for membership in the Pwnnet hacking team. Answer as honestly and in as much detail as possible. Send this information to any Pwnnet Member.

Personal Information

  • Alias/Nick:
  • Age:
  • Country:
  • Hack The Box (HTB) Profile: (link to your profile)

Experience and Skills

  1. How long have you been in the hacking/cybersecurity field?

  2. Describe your experience in CTFs (Capture The Flag) and on which platforms you participate:

  3. Do you have experience with any specific pentesting tools? If so, please mention which ones:

  4. What is your primary operating system for hacking? (e.g., Kali Linux, Parrot OS, etc.)

  5. Which programming languages do you master?

  6. Do you have any cybersecurity certifications? (e.g., OSCP, CEH, CPTS, etc.)


  1. Why do you want to join Pwnnet?

  2. What can you contribute to the team?

  3. What is your area of specialization or interest within cybersecurity?

  4. Describe a technical challenge you have recently solved and how you approached it:

Contribution and Availability

  1. How many hours per week can you dedicate to the team?

  2. Are you willing to collaborate on projects and share knowledge with the team?

  3. What do you hope to learn or improve by being part of Pwnnet?


  1. If you know any current Pwnnet member, please mention their name:

  2. Attach any project or write-up you have done: (Optional)

Date of Application: